Posts tagged "supplier"

What Does 2012 Hold in Supply Chain?

Procurement, in the year 2011, witnessed some of the major challenges, especially from a supply chain perspective. Procurement professionals around the globe were seen fighting supply disruptions emerging out of the adverse events that occurred in 2011 which not only resulted in production losses but also negatively impacted company bottom lines. Based on the impact of these threats, various studies are forecasting a loss of €280 billion for the year 2012.   Effectively managing sup...

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Head, Tripe, Steer!

Through centuries, the economic web in the entire world has widened. Greatly supported by the globalization phenomenon, frontiers have been erased, markets saturated. Thus, originally simple confluences between supply (bid) and demand, supply has massively grown its presence (attendance) on markets, which has modified the demand function. From a global look and concentration on a price under constant pressure but also downwards, things changed and let place to a tremendous focus on a quality/ pr...

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