Posts tagged "sourcing"

What is Trade Fair Representation?

Hey guys! You know that sometimes you are in need of seeking new suppliers, but you just don't have the resources to do that. Maybe you don't have enough time or money to go to another country, or maybe you want someone else to take care about the sourcing because you would have problems with the language the suppliers speak.   So, what does Trade Fair Representation actually include?   We will represent you at a trade show where you can not attend.  The sourcing analyst o...

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10 Tips to Survive in Guangzhou Canton Fair

If you want to make direct personal contacts, identify suppliers, and find out the ‘ins and outs’ of doing business in China, attending trade fairs are a great first step. However, it is important to bear some points in mind to get the most out of your business visit to China. For many Westerners, China is definitely not the easiest place to travel in.   How to survive in Guangzhou then?   Here are 10 points for your to keep in mind when attending the Canton Fair in Gua...

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What is on Canton Fair October 2014?

The Canton Fair is China’s largest Trade show. Hosted in the capital of the Guangdong province, Guangzhou, it’s a major yearly event for import businesses of all sizes. Foreign business owners visit the fair on bi-annual basis, with hopes and dreams to find reliable Chinese suppliers or importers. Previously, a great majority of the visitors attended the fair to search for Chinese suppliers. But times are changing and nowadays you can find a decent amount of foreign exporters who visit the f...

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What and Why – Pre Production Inspection

What is PPI - Pre Production Inspection?   The “PPI” or "IPI" (Initial Product Inspection) is completed right before the beginning of the actual mass production. It is done after the identification or evaluation of your vendor. The objective of the inspection is to ensure that your vendor and factory has truly understood your order’s requirements and specifications and that they are well prepared for production. The inspection is completed onsite at the factory or vendor offic...

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Mistakes when sourcing in China

Lots of foreign companies want to import from China, but most of them do not take the necessary time to find the right supplier. Here are the 7 most common mistakes foreign companies make when sourcing in China: Lack of a well-defined strategy: When sourcing goods in China, you must have a well-defined sourcing strategy or “road map,” including locating the best supplier for your particular needs. Too few small companies do the proper due diligence when shopping for goods in China. As ...

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Where did the product come from?

A certification scheme won't work – data should move through the supply chain as efficiently as the goods themselves How did the everyday things that we buy get here, and from where? It seems a simple enough question and yet for the vast majority of things we buy it is completely unanswerable. The label may say "made in China", but normally that's just where the bits and pieces were put together. So where do the bits come from, and how do we find out? Why should we care? The total val...

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Supply Chain Key to Success in China

It’s no secret that China’s domestic consumption is rising rapidly. Chinese consumers are buying more of everything (from apparel and white goods to luxury items and home ware) and as they buy more, from more channels, including online, at single brand stores and from large specialty chains, domestic and foreign owned companies have to re-asses their supply chain infrastructure in China for both selling and making goods. Supply Chain in China was once an afterthought or was only thought o...

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Aspects of sustainable product sourcing

How sustainable product sourcing can become a business centerpiece? Companies that have made the effort to adopt green procurement practices know eco-friendly supply chain techniques can't simply be implemented in isolation. Rather, in order to be as effective as possible, sustainability needs to be made an integral part of the firm's larger business strategy. The logic behind this principle is clear. The distribution supply chain is a large network made up of a variety of different typ...

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Top 10 problems in International Trade

The most common issues you can face doing international trade: 1. Distance: Due to long distance between different countries, it is difficult to establish quick and close trade contacts between traders. Buyers and sellers rarely meet one another and personal contact is rarely possible. There is a great time lag between placement of order and receipt of goods from foreign countries. Distance creates higher costs of transportation and greater risks. 2. Different languages: Different lang...

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5 Ways China Can Rise Its Imports

China’s growing middle class will become a strong source of purchasing power by reaching up to 630 million over the next decade. The primary objective for the Chinese government is to meet the expected demand and become a more customer-driven economy. The Chinese government restricts imports of American goods and has high tariffs on goods Chinese consumers are willing to buy. By decreasing tariffs on the imported goods China could help itself to obtain its objectives. Next will be introduced s...

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