Nov 2015
Happy Thanksgiving all
May you have a great night with your family and a delicious turkey, yeay! Speaking about turkey or other animals, have you ever imagined if the turkey you eat or the dog you pet is a clone? Hmmmm… Today we’re gonna talk about a cloning factory and it’s in China! Writing this article, makes me remember of the movie: The Island. But chill! Unlike The Island movie, this factory don’t clone human (well, it’s unethical for me to clone human), they clone animals. Let’s check this out!
It will be started by a fast-growing Chinese biotechnology company together with Boyalife subsidiary, two domestic research institutions, and Sooam Biotech Research Foundation from South Korea.
Boyalife is China’s first commercial cloning company. It is a joint venture between Boyalife and Sooam Biotech Research Foundation. Their first creatures that they cloned were three Tibetan mastiffs. Tibetan mastiff is a rare shepherd dog breed that can be sold for millions of dollars.
Tibetan Mastiff Dog
World’s Largest Cloning Factory
It will be the world’s largest cloning factory. The factory will include a cloning production line, a cloned animal center, a gene bank, and a science and education exhibition hall. It will be located at Tianjin. The investment worths 200 million yuan or 31 million dollars.
The production will be started in 2016, and the first animal to be produced is Japanese cows. Why Japanese cows? It’s expensive here in China, everyone! It’s one of the ways to lower the price of high-quality beef in the Chinese market. Not only to lower price, but also to promote China’s modern animal husbandry industry.
Your Request for Puppies
Sooam is the world’s leader for commercial dog cloning. They have produced more than 550 cloned puppies. You can get a genetic copy or a clone of a puppy. But, you have to pay $100,000 and send the tissue sample of the original dog.
Sooam’s Cloned Breed
Notes that there isn’t any proof that a cloned working dog can perform as well as the original one. Also, cloned pets may have totally different personalities.
World’s Only Disease Model Research Institution
Boyalife is a genetics giant institution with 28 subsidiaries and operations in 16 provinces in China. Besides using cloning technologies to improve livestock breeding, the new cloning factory, will be also the world’s only research institution to produce disease models of large animals. A disease model is an animal that is genetically engineered to be predisposed to a certain human disease for research purposes. BGI, a cloning company in Shenzhen, produces 500 cloned pigs a year, as disease models to test the new medicines.
“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master – Christian Lous Lange”
Adapted from : Quartz