Posts tagged "media"

4 key elements that will transform B2B

2014 will be the "Year of E-Engagement" for B2B Commerce, Driven by Explosive Growth of Social, Mobile and Cloud. Use of Business Commerce Networks, E-Invoicing, E-Payment Solutions will Rapidly Rise as Companies Seek Better Cash Flow. 1. 2014 Will Be The Year Of ‘E-Everything’ In today’s real-time social, mobile and cloud-based environment, business users are demanding access to information and the ability to process tasks in a matter of seconds or minutes. Finance and procureme...

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Business Never Stops

If you have already done business with China, you know that it is not easy everyday... Sometimes, it would look like even the government leagues against your business. That’s the problem encountered by many companies when facing “The Great Firewall”. But since several years, companies and individuals have been starting to use VPNs (virtual private network) in order to avoid this restriction, and to be able to access all of the services and media the internet can offer.   Chinese...

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