Head, Tripe, Steer!

Head, Tripe, Steer!

Through centuries, the economic web in the entire world has widened. Greatly supported by the globalization phenomenon, frontiers have been erased, markets saturated. Thus, originally simple confluences between supply (bid) and demand, supply has massively grown its presence (attendance) on markets, which has modified the demand function. From a global look and concentration on a price under constant pressure but also downwards, things changed and let place to a tremendous focus on a quality/ price value, with Quality in the forehead.


For, in a place where price is no more the essential competition ingredient, we at SBE have differentiated ourselves on the market. Where other companies use price as an argument, we deploy our secret massive destruction weapon…on one hand low prices (naturally) but on the other QUALITY, the heart of our policy.


Nowadays, as SBE is growing and increasing its weight on the international scene, it is our duty to keep on maintaining, working, renewing the high quality of the services provided. Preserving this quality impresses the client. Making a client happy is wining his esteem. A client’s loyalty qualifies us, our big family, our company, our SBE not as just good but as the best!


Today, an example of a client’s case (mail exchanges) is the occasion to remind us that constant progress goes simply through putting in constant practice of our values. Finally, sometimes simply recalling ourselves of who we are, what our purposes are, in what we truly believe, never hurts. So, basically, this client sent an email to present his project. In the latter, has been noticed a highly importance of quality.


Indeed the client explains that he did choose China as supplier, but cannot disregard or neglect the necessity of quality.


– See more at: http://www.sbeintl.com/

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