Dec 2014

China 2015 – The New Top Global Economy
When the history of 2014 is written, it will take note of a large fact that has received little attention: 2014 was the last year in which the United States could claim to be the world’s largest economic power. China enters 2015 in the top position, where it will likely remain for a very long time. What is the forecast for China and ASEAN in 2015? What do you get when you add slower economic growth, greater volatility, rising competition and genuine Chinese innovation?
Read these good posts about China and ASEAN forecast for 2015!
What could happen in China in 2015?
McKinsey director Gordon Orr writes his annual predictions of China for 2015. Orr states that improving productivity and efficiency will remain the key to maintaining profitability for many companies. He also assumes that next year we will finally stop asking the question whether China innovates or not. There is a global impact of the innovation that is clearly taking place.
Read the article here.
China Outbound: Forecasts for 2015, FATCA & FCPA and Regional Incentives
Here is a good article of China and ASEAN forecasts by China Briefing. There are several pieces of analysis on the China business environment and the development of trade between China, ASEAN and Russia. Also industry-specific tax incentives in India, the advantages of investing in Vietnam for U.S. companies and some key industries for investment into ASEAN are spotlighted.
Read the article here.
The Chinese Century
Vanity Fair talks about the new powers of the world as China has overtaken the USA. Thus, a new global political and economic order is emerging, which is a result of new economic realities. We need to be aware of the implications that the emergence of China in to the top spot gives us.
Read the article here.
How about you – What are your predictions for China or ASEAN for 2015?
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