Mar 2016
For Chinese people, their country may be in economic slowdown, but their wealth? Keep growing… Yes, more and more Chinese tycoon is born. Last year, mainland Chinese tourists made a record of US$215 billion on their holidays abroad! How can this be?
Chinese, The Big Spender
Last time, I had a talk with my friends. We talked about luxury shopping things. Most of my friends, they’ve been to Europe, and visited Milan. Milan, one of the world’s most famous shopping places, you can’t say you’ve been to Milan, without visiting the majestic Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. If in Paris, you’ll find cheaper Longchamp, LV, Hermès, and other brands, than Milan is the place where you can find cheaper Gucci, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana and other Milanese brands… One of my friends, who’ve been to Milan and entered the branded store there, said ” You know, Chinese people were spending crazily! You enter 1 store, you’ll find Chinese, another store, the same!”. We, Indonesian people, are one of the crazy spenders in Europe, but we lose in terms of number with Chinese population, lol!
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
Based on the figure that was released by World Travel and Tourism Council, it shows 53% higher than the 2014 total, adding greatly to the growth in global spending on travel and tourism. Not only that, the report also shows that China is ahead of the United States and other developed countries as the top global source of tourists, in both number of trips made and money spent on overseas trips.
Nothing’s gonna stop Chinese people
Last year, it was China’s slowest economic growth in over three decades. Even the world feared that the economy would bring down the global growth and markets.
In contrast, China National Tourism Administration and the United Nations World Tourism Organisation said that Chinese tourists made a record of 120 million trips overseas last year, making one in every 10 international travelers from China. Far away from home destinations, like Europe and Oceania appealed Chinese tourists, moreover for those who have easier visa policies.
Here is the interesting point. Though most Chinese people don’t like Japan from their painful history, in paradox, Japan was one of the biggest beneficiaries from China’s outbound travel boom last year. Spending by Chinese tourists in Japan grew by almost half compared with 2014.
Where are my Mainland tourists?
There were some severe declines too in term of tourism revenue from mainland tourists in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau.
Chinese are queueing in front of Hermès store at Hongkong
Hmmm, maybe Chinese have too much money now to spend in an even further places
Just like the title says, Chinese tycoon is growing… Ciao!
“To travel is to live – Hans Christian Andersen”
Adopted from South China Morning Post